Starting Your Own Cleaning Business

Because hiring a tenancy cleaning service is efficient and you don't need to get any products or take time out yourself, you will be saving money in the long run. If any rectifications are needed you don't need to do them, the cleaning service will take care of all cleaning issues in relation to your end of tenancy. So you are not only saving money but also time.

Another factor that has to be considered is security and this goes for both residential and commercial. Ask about the companies employees. Do they do a Criminal Records Bureau check on each person they hire? Do they actually check references? /uploads/2015/09/cleaning.jpg" width="350" align="left" />

If you have no idea where to look for when searching for a window cleaning company a good place to start is the local newspaper. A lot of cleaning companies will advertise there; you can also try the internet or the Yellow Pages.

So cleaning is a big part of an Inventory Check and most people would hire a professional end of tenancy Cleaning service. However, there are some who may feel that they can clean the property themselves, and while this is possible, here are some reasons why you should seriously consider a professional end of tenancy Cleaning service.

Discuss services and fees associated with the entire cleaning process as well as any additional fees the service charges. Make sure that you get a quote from at least 3 different cleaning services before making your final decision and signing a contract.

When the cleaning needs are overwhelming. When need more than just a damp cloth or an ordinary soap and water, you go get some professional help. Window cleaners have specially formulated cleaning ingredients that are compatible for your windows. You would surely get good cleaning results.

When moving out, most Estate Agents or landlords will do an Inventory Check. The Inventory Check is done to ensure that you are handing back the property in the way you found it, in many situations this means well cleaned and maintained.